HistoricTimekeepers Restoration Services and Supplies

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Notes for Young Watchmakers

HTI Approach to Service

Microscopes in Watchmaking

When only a watchmaker will do

The 37500 Contract Prototype

Restoration of Omega Jump Seconds Clock

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Making a Return Spring for a Aircraft Chronograph

WWII Junghans Aircraft  Chronograph now fully functioning.

This shows why HTI is the leader in aircraft clock restoration.  Other facilities declared this WWII Junghans clock to be irreparable because the broken return spring for the chronograph was not available as a replacement part. The part was made using the same process described for Making an Index Spring for a Wrist Chronograph .


Below the replacement part can clearly be seen fitted to the movement.  The WWII aircraft clock is once again ready for service.



For shipping  or ordering information, contact:

Dewey Clark                   410.592.9998

Email Contact:         Historictimekeepers@gmail.com

Site Created and Expanded since 1999!!

(Watch my hair go grey)